Monday, May 01, 2006

Applicable Thoughts from "Rethinking"

"Don't get me wrong: I believe wholeheartedly in the sovereignty of God. At the same time I also believe we have free will and a responsibility to pursue God's will for our lives. God's sovereignty doesn't mean we are puppets who cannot take action until he pulls our strings. On the contrary, we are expected to live our lives in ways that follow God's will and do what is right in his eyes. When we misunderstand God's sovereignty, it can become merely an excuse to be lazy and justification for our refusal to assume our God-given roles. We must cooperate with what we know to be God's will for our lives - whether it's loving our neighbors or honoring our parents. Obedience requires action."
--Debbie Maken, Getting Serious About Getting Married

::choose joy::

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