Wednesday, February 20, 2013


  • Contend for the Faith (v.3)
    • "the faith" - doctrine, the body of truths taught by the apostles - not just the gospel proper
    • "once for all" - the canon is closed
    • "contend" - agonize, struggle (like a gladiator)
      • Why - because it is true and essential
    • Related Scripture
      • 1 Thessalonians 5.21-22 - "Test everything"
      • Ephesians 5.6-13 - "expose the works of darkness"
      • 2 Corinthians 10.3-5 - "take every thought captive", "destroy arguments"
  • The reason to contend - false teachers (v. 4)
    • They are unnoticed. - "crept in unnoticed"
    • They live immorally. - "turn the grace of God into licentiousness"
    • They deny the truth. - "deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ"
    • Ungodly lives stem from a denial of God's truth.
  • False Teachers (v. 5-19) (2 Peter 2.1-3)
    • Francis Bacon - "Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true."
    • Characteristics (v. 8-13)
      • Reject authority
        • "by dreaming" - claiming special revelation
        • "revile angelic majesties" - speaking flippantly
        • pronounce judgment - when God is the ultimate judge
          • Michael left Satan's personal judgment to God. (v.9)
      • "Feelings" and instincts (v. 10, 18)
        • Live by
        • Destroyed by
      • Walking in error (v. 11)
        • Cain (Gen. 4) - "worshiped" his own way
        • Balaam (Num 22) - seek gain
        • Korah (Num 16) - reject God-given authority
      • Leading falsely (v.12) - (2 Timothy 4.3-4)
        • "caring for themselves"
        • "clouds without water" (Ephesians 4:14)
        • "trees without fruit" (Psalm 1)
      • Barren (v. 12-13)
        • "without water"
        • "without fruit"
        • "uprooted"
        • "foam"
      • Pleasing self (v. 16)
        • "following after their own lusts"
        • "flattering people" to gain advantage
      • "Grumblers" (v. 16)
      • "Fault-finders" (v. 16)
      • "Arrogant" (v.16)
      • Expected  (v.18) - their presence in the church is not a surprise
        • Prophesied by the apostle Peter (2 Peter 3.3)
      • Causing divisions (v.18)
        • False teaching is what causes divisions (Romans 16:17)
      • "Worldly-minded" (v. 18)
      • "Devoid of the Spirit" (v.18)
    • Punishment
      • Real (v. 5-7)
        • Israelites 
        • Angels (Gen. 6)
        • Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen. 19)
      • Certain (v. 10-11, 13)
        • "they are destroyed" (v. 10)
        • "they have... perished" (v. 11)
        • "for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever" (v. 16)
      • Prophecied (v. 14-15)
        • By Enoch (v. 14-15)
  • Live obediently (v. 20-21) - "keep yourselves in the love of God"
    • Incomplete
  • Show mercy (v. 22-23)
    • Incomplete
  • Conclusion (v. 24-25)
    • Incomplete

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