Thursday, August 31, 2006


Pronunciation: 'g&r(-&)l-"frend
Function: noun
1 : a female friend
2 : a frequent or regular female companion in a romantic or sexual relationship


The above definition is courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online.

Fine and good.

But I have a big problem with the term "girlfriend." The word is used so flippantly and haphazardly that using "girlfriend" in describing the woman you are serious and purposefully courting but are not yet engaged to seems almost disrespectful and dishonoring. "Girlfriend" carries with it so much baggage from the world's ungodly views of romantic relationships. I refuse to use it.

Why does there seem to be an abundance of synonyms for "boyfriend" that allow one to escape the world's typical assumptions regarding that word? In applying a label to the woman you are courting - there seems to be very few options. "Girlfriend" sits at one end of the spectrum and multiple names only appropriate for a fiancée at the other end. There seems to be no happy medium.

Believe me, I've looked.

Any suggestions?

In the mean time, I get to look forward to a long weekend with the marvelous woman ("You are the best, Rachel! I miss you so much!") that I (the suitor) have the honor to court. Terms and labels probably won't matter much.

"...a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." - Proverbs 31.30

::choose joy::

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