Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Anticipation II - The Place of Grace

This is how we know what love is:
Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
--1 John 3.16--

I wandered out to the old bridge in Merritt Park on my rollerblades tonight. I hadn't planned on staying long, but for some reason I stopped... This week has been agonizing... I've gone from excited to very anxious to extremely excited. I've cried. I've laughed. I've wondered about the past. I've wondered about the future. I've tried to see things from God's perspective. I've tried to figure out if people can see Jesus in me.

I've tried to sleep - with only limited success.

I love standing on that old bridge and watching the water flow away down stream. It's so peaceful. No one wanders by. No cars zoom past. I can stand there and meet with my Savior. I remember back in mid-December running to the bridge and basically having a pity party in front of God. In the end, it was a wonderful opportunity to readjust my perspective and set my focus back on Jesus Christ. Tonight was different, though. I didn't have a pity party. I just wondered - wondered how I could ever really be like Christ. Wondered if I was really trying to know God. Wondered if I was letting the Holy Spirit work through me. It was such a good time on that old bridge - readjusting and refocusing. Asking God for wisdom. It's easy to talk with God there. Everytime I have met God on that bridge... there's peace. Not because I am perfect... but because I have a perfect Savior. God is not finished with me... and I am so excited to see what the future holds. God holds my future and I could not be more thankful or ecstatic.

Yes, I'm beaming right now!

::choose joy::

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