Monday, April 24, 2006


Today I received all the old Agapeland music in the mail - including "Bullfrogs and Butterflies" (*sniff* - great memories from Canadian Adventure), "Music Machine," "The Birthday Party," and "The Story of Little Tree." Yes, all eleven CDs would be classified as children's music - but the music is catchy and the words are simply outstanding. Many of the short song snippets I spout out on occasion come from Agapeland's music library. I think these CDs a worth-while investment - they are resources not to be lost. Let's just say that I'm collecting for the future. ;-)

What can I give to the King?
Give to the One who has everything?
What can I give?
What gift can I bring?
What can I give to the King?
What can I give to the King?

Give Him a heart that's opened up wide
Give Him a life that's got nothing to hide
Give Him a love that's tender and true
And He'll give it all back to you
Yes, He'll give it all back to you

What can we give to the King?
Give to the One who has everything?
What can we give?
What gift can we bring?
What can we give to the King?
What can we give to the King?

Give Him all glory, His people on earth
Give Him all praises, this day of His birth
Give Him all honor in all that we do
As He's given His life to you
As He's given His life to you

What can we give to the King?
Give to the One who has everything?
What can we give to the King?
What can we give to the King?

::choose joy::


Anonymous said...

I love Agapeland also, and I'm looking for a version in Spanish because I am taking a missions trip to Nicaragua this year, and I would love to be able to do some children's dramas to these songs!

If you hear of any Spanish versions could you let me know?! That would be awesome!! :-)
(I'm on facebook as Suzanne Harnish)

Anonymous said...

I need the lyrics for the Agapeland Joy song from the Fruits of the Spirit series. I bought these and others for my kids in about 1985ish. All I can piece together is something like this:

Joy, joy, joy, joy,
Up and down
Up and down
aint no sense in wearing a frown
aint no sense at all

joy, joy, joy, joy
hippity hop, hippity hop
when youre smiling
never stop to cry

joy joy joy
you just cant keep it inside
joy joy joy
it comes from doing what's right

up in the air
touch the sky
open your wings
and you can fly

I know the he meets a lady with too many children, and an old grey mope, and i think there was an old man along the way, but thats all i can remember.

Hannah said...

Thank you so much for sharing those lyrics - I used to sing this when I was about 5 - (I'm now 30!)and I could only remember part of the words - I got goosebumps being able to sing it again!

Jennifer said...

Someone was asking about the Agapeland Character Builder Series.... I was able to finally find them! I was just talking to my mother about these recently as I had them around as a kid.... what glorious memories of being around the house singing those songs! you can find them here: