Monday, September 25, 2006


John Chrysostom's (347-407) Homily XX is a very thought provoking commentary on Ephesians 5.25-33.

"Being better than most is not good enough. 'Being better' was never the goal."

::choose joy::

Monday, September 18, 2006

Twenty-five Trips Around the Day Star

O Wondrous Love

O wondrous love
That will not let me go
I cling to You
With all my strength and soul
Yet if my hold should ever fail
This wondrous love will never let me go

O wondrous love
That's come to dwell in me
Lord who am I
That I should come to know
Your tender voice assuring me
Your wondrous love will never let me go

I'm resting in the everlasting arms
In the ever faithful heart
The Shepherd of my life
You carry me on
Your mighty wings of grace
Keeping me until the day
I look into Your eyes

O wondrous love
That sings of Calvary
The sweetest sound
This sinner's ever known
The song of Your redeeming Son
Whose wondrous love
Will never let me go

O wondrous love
That rushes over me
I can't excape
This river's glorious flow
You overwhelm my days with good
Your wondrous love
Will never let me go

(c) Sovereign Grace Worship
Steve Cook / Vikki Cook

How can I begin to recount the blessings that God has given me thus far?
My Messiah alone deserves all the praise, glory, and honor.

::choose joy::